They controlled each other; mirroring each other’s moves; watching each other intently. Their obsession with one another was continuous and crippling. He, like a fox, circled her, followed her. The first time he fucked her, she saw into his core; she saw that he could kill her. Meaning this much to him meant everything to her, more than anything. He’d whisper songs into her soul, “We’re more than human, but you make me ache for everything.”
He wanted to contain her. He wanted to eat her, keep her soul inside of him. He couldn’t understand her, why she stayed with him or why she’d look back at him in wonderment after he hurt her. He couldn’t be without but he couldn’t stand her, they way she controlled him through desire and absolute need. She wasn’t human; she was something rare and ancient.
This is perfect. I got shivers all over x
I'm so pleased you like it :) I've found a few short stories on my computer I wrote forever ago. x
Thanks! x
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