Books. I think that I had never picked up a book then I wouldn't be the person I am today. Books have influences my thoughts, my dreams and my personality. Above are a few of my favourites (plus two graphics novels). The small leather book you see is an old poetry books I got in a antique shop for £1.99. It is written in both French and English and dates back to 1916 (previous owners wrote theirs names and the date inside, it travelled from France to English during the first World War). This book, The Spirit of Man, is filled with prayers, verses, sonnets and philosophies. It is pure excitement for me, I love anything that has a potential story to it.
There is also Oscar Wilde there, but I have previously expressed my admiration for his words. Now, I know I never stop talking about him, but there is Bret Easton Ellis. I have both Imperial Bedrooms and American Psycho there for very different reasons; Imperial Bedrooms is signed by the man himself; American Psycho is the first Ellis book I read.
Arkham Asylum is up there because of how beautifully illustrated is. V for Vendetta is there because it plays on that whole 'on man's terrorist is another man's freedom-fighter'. I love V because it makes you question what you would do if you lived in a dictated state.
To the untrained eye my room at university looks like a charity shop, but to those who know me know I keep these things for a reason. I'm sentimental. I still have my 18th birthday card from my brother (I don't want to forget what his hand-writing was like). The teddy you see on my shelf belonged to my Aunty when she was a child. The plastic flowers were held by Florence Welch. The mask and musical egg were given to me by my father. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I like to be reminded every day by everything I've ever known or done. Looking at these things are like looking into my soul and having all my love and memories reflected right back at me. They are important to me.
Star buys! Leather satchel, 35 euros (from somewhere in France). Leather shoes, Topshop £55. Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake poster £2.75, SU at university. Vintage books poster, £1 (I can't remember the shop name!).
I think we have the same Topshop Brogues, although mine still need to be mended. :(
I know what you mean though, I keep things (too many things some would say) to remind me of what things I've done. :)
Hey Nicola, thanks for reading. :)
I'm glad you get it, I always worry that people think I'm a little crazy for keeping so much stuff. It's silly, but I always worry that if I throw something away that has some kind of story or meaning it may be lost forever. Haha go us sentimentalists. xx
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