One of my favourite books of all time would most certainly have to be Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho. I think Ellis is blossoming into one of my all time favourite authors. I read Lunar Park over Christmas, it terrified me and pretty much broke my heart. I'm currently reading Less Than Zero; protagonist is almost there... It's difficult to explain but it's pretty evident that Ellis has made Clay 'less' on purpose. Every time that Clay slips up (emotionally) I want to hold on to his every word.
But, as I said, American Psycho is my all time favourite. It's hilarious, satirical and horrendously violent and pornographic. I think what I loved most about the book was that Patrick Bateman was constantly on the verge of absolute madness, and every time he was tipping over the edge, about to slip, you were on there on the edge with him begging him to come back.
"They had made a movie about us."
FYI It's so irratating that the photo's just arrange themselves in stupid ways! Argh!
Haha, when you load them up, the last photo you load appears at the top. you have to drag it down to the order you want.
OH MY GOODNESS, I might even prefer The Informers to Less Than Zero. It's so confusing (every chapter is from a different characters point of view, but it doesn't specify that when you're reading it). Plus, a lot of the characters in The Informers are also in Less Than Zero. I cannot WAIT for the sequel - I love Clay. iI'd like to know what happens to him. I'd also like B.E.E to do a book signing, SO MUCH.
I'm reading Glamorama at the moment. At the moment it's very Quentin Tarentino film-ish, as in nothing has happened so far, just a lot of conversations. But so funny at the same time, as always.
Emily- you are the quickest reader I know. You're at the other end of the scale in comparison to me- I'm the slowest reader I know. Ever. It had taken me four months to read American Psycho. The only books I've ever read in a matter of days were Lunar Park (3 days) and I Am Legend (5 days). By the way have you read I Am Legend?
I didn't finish I Am Legend - I read about half of it on the bus, but then I started something else, I'm not sure what. Maybe Charlotte Gray (which, by the way, is excellent).
Hahah I am a notoriously quick reader - I read the entire Twilight saga in 3 days (it would've been less than that if I'd had all the books, but I had to go out and buy Breaking Dawn, how annoying).
I can understand how you read Lunar Park in three days. I really wanted to know wtf was going on.
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